Owners of iPhone and other smart-phones using Android software will soon be able to compare prices by scanning a barcode-like imprint on products.

Called the ‘Quick Response Codes', the imprint is designed to help consumers make informed choices while shopping.

Retailers in Japan and the West adopted this technology a few years ago. Indian retailers are now increasingly toying with the idea.

The technology enables when you scan or read a QR code with a camera-enabled phone. It links with the digital content on the Web and activates a number of functions such as discounts on offer, similar products in the category and also video.

Invented in Japan, QRs are also being explored as another advertising tool of marketing and communication.

A slew of Indian retailers are understood to be working towards implementing QRs to woo customers.

“The two-dimensional codes are expected to achieve widespread use in India as more and more smart-phones make inroads. Consumers want immediate access to what's relevant and QR codes are being used to make that possible,” retail trackers and analysts note.

Boon for FMCG

Hybrid retailing format AaramShop, which introduced the concept last week, notes that QR codes usage in India has been restricted to making the consumers visit the Web site for more product information, usage tips and so on.

However, sales of products have never been high on the agenda. But now, the FMCG brands can look at making their consumers buy the products.

“This application would make advertising and marketing of FMCG brands more effective as it would help connect the first mile of brand awareness with the last mile of brand purchase.

The best part of this initiative is that AaramShop enables this to work within the entire eco-system of brands, retailers and the consumer – without charging any fee. This will lead to a wider acceptance and trials,” said Mr Ashutosh Malik, Director, AaramShop.

He said that brands can now print their personalised QR code on their various marketing and awareness initiatives such as advertisements, packs, coupons and when a consumer sees that advertisements and wants the product, he/she just needs to scan the QR code with his mobile phone application.

The application would automatically add the product to the person's shopping list.

Industry trackers also note that for companies QRs come handy as over time they can build up their database on customer profile.