
1. Name the co-founder of Twitter who is returning as ‘executive chairman' after co-founding Square?

2. Which cyber-major has decided to acquire GSI Commerce, an e-commerce marketing services company, for around $2.4 billion?

3. Which music title is now bestselling game released in the US since 1995?

4. Name the high profile ex-Sun programmer, who called Larry Ellison ‘Larry, Prince of Darkness, joining Google.

5. The co-founder of Hlaska, a fashion company, also co-founded a much loved service now owned by Google. Which one is it?

6. Name the new font unveiled by Nokia for mobile and digital environments.

7. What is common to the flicks ‘Inception', ‘Yogi Bear', ‘Life As We Know It,' ‘Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone,' and ‘Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets'?

8. What is ‘UltraViolet' in the context of entertainment industry?

9. According to BrandFinance, a brand valuation company, who tops the list of world's most valuable brands with a value of $44.2 billion?

10. If Google has Chrome and Apple has Safari, then who makes SlimBrowser?


1. Jack Dorsey.

2. eBay.

3. Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock.

4. James Gosling, creator of Java.

5. YouTube.

6. Pure.

7. These are the five films that Warner Bros is

offering for rental via Facebook after its maiden

Batman film offer.

8. Promoted by a consortium called DECE, it is a

set of standards and specifications designed to

make approved digital content playable on certified


9. Google, of course!

10. FlashPeak