
1. Name the two computer-makers who will start selling Chromebooks from June 15.

2. According to Wikipedia and in the context of software development, an online environment in which code or content changes can be tested without affecting the original system is called a..?

3. Jen-Hsun Huang is the CEO of…?

4. According to Guinness World Records, which is the fastest selling portable gaming system now?

5. What is Sneakernet?

6. What is the OS used in RIM's Blackberry PlayBook called?

7. Name the creator of LimeWire file-sharing system who settled with RIAA for $105 million.

8. In Twitterspace, bar charts composed of Unicode characters have been dubbed as..?

9. What is special about the cool and popular LeafSnap app for iPhone?

10. Simple one to round off. How much has Microsoft shelled out for acquiring Skype?


1. Acer and Samsung.

2. Sandbox.

3. Nvidia.

4. Apple iPhone!

5. The transfer of electronic information,

especially computer files, by physically

couriering removable media.

6. QNX operating system.

7. Mark Gorton.

8. Sparktweets.

9. It can tell users the name of trees

based on a leaf they have taken a photo of,

provided the leaf is in the app’s library.

10. $ 8.5 billion.