
1. Simple one…Sony's NGP is now known as?

2. To honour which musician did Google create a doodle that has become (according to CNet) ‘the world's largest jam session by giving everyone on the web a playable and recordable guitar'?

3. What popular fruity name has been given for Windows Phone 7.5, a major software update for Windows Phone 7?

4. Toshiba's upcoming Android 3.1 Honeycomb tablet is dubbed…?

5. Who has introduced ‘Ultrabooks', a new laptop category that incorporate features found on tablets?

6. According to a recent analysis of Flickr photos, which is the most-photographed location in all of New York City?

7. What ‘day' was June 8 observed as, with giants such as Facebook and Google taking part in a 24-hour test for the latest version of the web?

8. Which cyber-giant is planning a massive new HQ shaped like a spaceship on land bought from HP?

9. Google Chrome ( has used which lovable character for ‘an interactive experiment created with hardware-accelerated HTML5 video, 3D CSS Transforms, and WebM'?

10. According to a forecast by Cisco, the total amount of traffic carried by the Internet in a year will quadruple by 2015 to up to 966 exabytes. That is how many gigabytes?


1. PlayStation Vita.

2. Les Paul.

3. Mango

4. Thrive

5. Intel

6. Apple’s iconic glass cube store on

Fifth Avenue in Manhattan.

7. The ‘world IPv6 (Internet Protocol

version 6) day’.

8. Apple (in Cupertino).

9. Shaun the Sheep.

10. 966 billion gigabytes!