
1. If Google has ‘Swiffy', then what does Adobe have?

2. Who makes the ‘Thrive' range of tablets?

3. What is/was the main motive of ‘Cosmic Panda'?

4. What world record did Eduard, the 15-year-old son of Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili, set recently?

5. Zynga' game-like tutorial that rewards players for learning more about the company's privacy practices is dubbed..?

6. In a breakthrough feat, which cyber-major has created the world's first Graphene IC?

7. What work-in-progress feature in Facebook is internally codenamed Vibes?

8. Name Google's new crowd-sourcing competition site where ‘where you can create contests and let people compete for a prize of your choosing' with the best submission winning the big prize.

9. From which high-value Asian country has Nokia decided to withdraw because of very disappointing sales?

10. Name Amazon's subsidiary that is behind sites such as,, and


1. ‘Wallaby', an experimental technology that converts the artwork and animation contained in Adobe Flash Professional (FLA) files into HTML.

2. Toshiba.

3. Redesigning/revamping YouTube.

4. The fastest iPad typing in the world by completing the entire English alphabet in 5.26 seconds.

5. PrivacyVille.

6. IBM.

7. A music service.


9. Japan.

10. Quidsi.