
1. Andrew Mason is the CEO of…?

2. Which very popular photo sharing application has been developed by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger?

3. Name the cyber-czar who is selling off Allan Island, his private island off the coast of Washington, for $13.5 million.

4. Research In Motion's new cloud-based music service is called…?

5. If the first was Michael Scott between 1977 and 1981, who is the latest to be appointed on August 24?

6. Name the Twitter co-founders who are behind the re-launched start-up incubator, Obvious Corp.

7. Name the PayPal co-founder who is leaving Google just after a year after the latter bought his company Slide.

8. What was the official, public and original name of the SeaMonkey?

9. What is the layout-engine for the Opera 7 and above called?

10. Which OS has the mascot Hexley the Platypus?


1. Groupon.

2. Instagram.

3. Paul Allen (co-founder of Microsoft).

4. BBM Music.

5. Tim Cook, CEO of Apple.

6. Biz Stone, Ev Williams and Jason


7. Max Levchin.

8. Mozilla.

9. Presto.

10. Darwin.