
1.‘iWoz: From Computer Geek to Cult Icon' is the autobiography of…?

2. How have Desktop and nine other Google products like Fast Flip etc made news this month?

3. Choi Gee Sung is the CEO of… ?

4. What is codenamed Crankshaft?

5. In the context of Windows API, what connects Roman, Swiss, Script, Decorative, and Modern?

6. Name the first commercial smartphone certified by NASA to fly on the space shuttle and to be cleared for use on the space station.

7. Which giant's corporate HQ is at Plot No. 44 & 97A, Electronics City, Hosur Road, Bangalore?

8. JAWS, NVDA and VoiceOver are all examples of…?

9. Zynga's most feature-rich, multi-dimensional Facebook game to date launched recently is called….?

10. Which cyber-giant's chairman recently paid tributes to Steve Jobs thus: “Steve Jobs gave the best performance by a CEO in 50 years, maybe 100 years. He not only built Apple once, but twice”.


1. Steve Wozniak

2. They are all going to be or have

been shut down

3. Samsung

4. The compilation infrastructure

for V8, Google Chrome’s Java-

Script engine

5. Generic font families

6. Nexus S

7. Infosys

8. Screen readers

9. Adventure World

10. Eric Schmidt of Google