
1. In the context of the BBC, what is Project Barcelona?

2. According to a list from Apple released on occasion of its 25th billionth iTunes app download, which are the all-time top three free iPhone apps?

3. Which entertainer recently became the first person to pass 20 million followers on Twitter?

4. Sergey Glazunov recently won $60,000 from Google for the first successful entry to the Pwnium contest. What is it about?

5. A demo of a new version of which very popular game, scheduled to be released on March 22, was given recently by NASA astronaut Don Petitt from the International Space Station?

6. What has been described by its introducer as ‘pixel density is so high your eye is unable to distinguish individual pixels’?


1. It is a in-the-works competitor to iTunes for UK viewers.

2. Facebook, Pandora Radio and Words With Friends Free,

3. Lady GaGa.

4. It is a competition for hackers to find security exploits in Chrome.

5. Angry Birds Space.

6. Retina Display