The Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) that probes spectrum allocations since 1998 has decided to seek another three-month extension.

The Chairman of the 13-month-old panel, Mr P.C. Chacko, said a motion will be moved in Parliament during the second part of budget session requesting another three month extension for the panel.

The panel has decided to summon all former Telecom Ministers since 1998, who are alive.

Almost all former telecom secretaries since 1998 have already appeared before the panel. Both the former Telecom Minister, Mr A. Raja, and Secretary Mr Siddharth Behura, who is lodged in Tihar jail at present in connection with the 2G spectrum case, are likely to appear before the panel next month.

The former Telecom Secretary, Mr P.J. Thomas, appeared before the panel on Tuesday. Briefing reporters after the meeting, Mr Chacko said Mr Thomas told the panel that there was nothing abnormal in the telecom department's decision to seek legal opinion on whether CAG can question government policies with regard to spectrum allocation.

Mr Thomas also told the panel that condition imposed by the Home Ministry that all equipment imported should have security clearance delayed its installation and thus delayed the rollout of 2G spectrum.