Japanese wafer fabrication company Tokyo Electron Ltd (TEL) is upbeat on the prospects of securing business in India in the coming years, with a view to capitalise on the still nascent semiconductor market, which is projected to grow to $50 billion by 2020.“We do not have any business from India though our revenue from Asia is close to 50 per cent. The earlier plans on semiconductor projects in India did not materialise, but I think things will improve,” Tokyo Electron Ltd (TEL) official Mr Richard Takeuchi told PTI.

“We do not have much exposure on India. So we are here for a first-hand exposure,” he said during a three-day visit by officials of the leading semiconductor processing equipment manufacturer.

Mr Takeuchi is part of a 12-member delegation from TEL that is here on a quality training programme, during which they visited three IT and ITeS companies.

Mr Takeuchi said the company might consider setting up a business unit in India later.