A prominent US Senator has asked an Ohio-based security system company not to move up to 200 of its IT and other back-office jobs to India.

Diebold, one of northeast Ohio’s largest and most successful companies, according to the local Akron Beacon Journal , is looking to move up to 200 IT and “back-office” jobs to India over the next two years citing potential skill shortage.

In a letter to Diebold President and CEO, Mr Thomas W Swidarski, Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown, has asked the company to explore other options to keep the jobs in the State.

“I believe that my office could coordinate a collaborative approach to address Diebold’s skill issues, while keeping work in Ohio,” Brown wrote.

“Increasingly, my office is working with colleges, the Edison Centre network and companies to in-source work and bring work back to our shores. These companies — which are bringing jobs back to Ohio — recognise the quality and capabilities of the world-class workforce provided by our top-quality schools.

“These schools may very well meet your needs, enabling you to keep this work in Ohio,” the Senator said.

In a statement, Brown said there are thousands of Ohioans that would welcome the opportunity to apply for a job at Diebold.

“In fact, it’s Ohio workers that have helped make Diebold a household name,” Brown said.

“I urge Diebold to do all it can to preserve these much-needed jobs in Summit County, and I stand ready to work with the company to do whatever it takes to keep these jobs in Ohio,” he said.

Headquartered in Canton, Ohio, Diebold was founded in 1859 as a security equipment company. It employs more than 15,000 associates with representation in nearly 90 countries worldwide. It is a world leader in card-based, self-service transaction systems, security products and customer service.