In a bid to explore newer revenue streams, Wipro has announced the launch of Wipro Digital, a new division that will target chief marketing officers (CMO), who influence outsourcing spending associated with marketing services.

Additionally, it is planning to launch another independent business unit called Change the Business, which will be headed by Anurag Srivastava, who has driven the CTO mandate for Wipro.

“We intend to keep this business separate and will not mix it with the regular business,” CEO TK Kurien said.

The reason for keeping this business separate had to do with the fact that the DNA for this is separate from the regular outsourcing business. He declined to give details on the new business.

“The Indian industry has to adapt to the change in outsourcing, which is fast moving from traditional services as customers are willing to pay more for the outcome of outsourcing services rather than just managing the business,” said Krishnan Chatterjee, Vice-President and Head, Strategic Marketing at HCL Technologies.