Nilaya Varma, Managing Director, eHealth and Public Services vertical at Accenture has quit the company.

Sources close to the development told BusinessLine that he is joining rival KPMG. When contacted, Varma told BL, “Today was my last day at Accenture. This was my personal decision to grow professionally in a new area.”

Accenture said changes in personnel are a regular occurrence in large, global technology companies and it does not ‘discuss individual HR matters in the media’.

Varma’s departure follows a spate of senior level resignations from Accenture’s Government practice in India.

At the global level also, the company earlier this month had made some changes to its senior management. The company named Paul Daugherty and Bhaskar Ghosh, two of its most experienced technology executives, to the company’s Global Management Committee, effective September. “They will both report to Chairman and CEO Pierre Nanterme. Martin I Cole, who is currently group chief executive – Technology, will retire on August 31,” the company had said.

While, Paul, Chief Technology Officer, based in the US, leads the company’s Technology Innovation and Ecosystem group on a global basis, Ghosh, based in Bangalore has been named to the newly created position of group Chief Executive – Technology Delivery.

Accenture hired Varma in 2011, who transformed the company for the Government vertical, and made it one of the largest verticals with businesses from both Central and State Government departments.

He has worked at PricewaterhouseCoopers between 1998 and 2010 as Principal Consultant and Executive Director, respectively.