Backed by academic institutions like the IIIT-Hyderabad and IIT-Hyderabad and research in emerging technologies, the AI ecosystem in Hyderabad takes roots, according to the State of AI Ecosystem in Telangana report.

The report, which captures the birth and growth of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and other deep tech ecosystem in the State, has said that the State made a mark on the global map of research in AI.

“Telangana has emerged as an AI front runner in the country. It has the potential to become a global innovation and entrepreneurship benchmark in the AI space,” Sangeeta Gupta, Sr. Vice-President and Chief Strategy Officer of Nasscom, has said in the report.

Region’s AI research

“The region has made substantial contributions to AI research, with 1,774 AI-related publications to its credit between 2011 and 2022. Telangana’s strength lies in robotics and computer vision, contributing to 61 per cent of total patent filings,” the 44-page report said. 

Six universities from the State secured spots within the top 1,000 globally for research publications in computer science, as per SCImago Institutions Rankings 2022.

“Of these, the International Institute of Information Technology (Hyderabad) and Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad (Hyderabad) have led with 508 and 552 ranks, respectively,” the report said.

“Leading from the front, the State has been driving AI-based transformative projects such as quality assessment of agricultural commodities, pensioners life certificate authentication through selfie, pothole detection and mapping,” the report said.

T-AIM Initiative

The State has announced a dedicated T-AIM (Telangana Artificial Intelligence Mission) to foster the AI ecosystem. Besides encouraging deployment of technologies into critical sectors for efficient, secure, and citizen-friendly solutions, the Mission supports Grand Challenges and domain-specific accelerators to encourage start-ups to work on finding solutions to some key social problems.

T-AIM’s Revv Up programme helped over 142 AI start-ups by providing them with access to market, funding, mentorship, and AI computing infrastructure.

“Our dynamic AI ecosystem serves as a blueprint for others to emulate and is poised well to ignite transformation on both local and global fronts,” Jayesh Ranjan, Principal Secretary, Government of Telangana, said.