Keiretsu Forum, a network of angel investors, which provides its members opportunity for early-stage investing, has floated a $10-million second fund.

Randy Williams, founder and global CEO of Keiretsu Forum, told BusinessLine that the average investment from this fund is around $100,000. Keiretsu Forum also allows its members to fund companies on an individual basis. He said the average yield or RoI on these investments was around 24 per cent.

“We want to bring angel funding within the reach of every start-up with a commercially viable business model,” he said.

During the 15 years of its existence, it has funded over 750 ventures with a total amount of $1 billion. There are 2,000 plus members in the forum which has 39 chapters and the latest addition being Bengaluru.

Denny Kurien, President & CEO of Keiretsu Forum for the Bengaluru chapter, said the target verticals for this region include, IT, biotech, aerospace and food processing.

However, each of those companies that seek funding have to go through a tough due diligence process before they can get an investor, Kurien said.

The exposure of Forum members in India is expected to be between ₹50 lakh and ₹5 crore, but through syndication, individual members can invest smaller amounts such as ₹10 lakh per company.

He also pointed out that companies can also tap Keiretsu Capital for funding. Its objective is to generate significant capital appreciation through investment in high quality emerging companies that have been funded by angel investor network of the Keiretsu Forum.