Indian Angel Network (IAN) wants a limited liability partnership system to help angel investors build a strong start-up ecosystem in the country.

“We have been asking for it for quite some time. It will reduce the burden on the groups, while allowing the individual investors to pay tax. This way we can avoid double taxation,” Ms Padmaja Ruparel, President of IAN, told Business Line .

She said angel investments are risky in nature, and important for the start-ups. The venture capital firms, in fact, come in very late. It will also help in simplifying further transactions in start-ups. Stating that the IAN has come a long way in building angel investment ecosystem in the country, she said “We have invested about $40 million in about 35 firms in tier-I and tier-II cities, ”

“They have shown good yields too. One investment got our members a return of 11.5 times of yield, while another received six times yield. Most of the investments have been made in the new economy ventures. There are some old companies too that received investments,” she said.

The network, through its offices, discusses the ideas and presents the short-listed ones to its members. They then would come out with their investments. In 2011, the network made an investment of $7.5 million in 11 companies.

Venture Quest

In association with Nasscom and Indian School of Business, IAN has started ‘Venture Quest’, an initiative to help start-ups and early stage entrepreneurs build “high impact ventures”.

Venture Quest held a meeting with budding entrepreneurs where experts from angel network threw light on how they should present their cases.

“We have plans to organise Venture Quest meetings in multiple cities as part our initiative to build the start-up economy system in the country. These workshops would focus on crucial aspects such as marketing, branding, raising investment, building teams, handling risks, cash-flow management,” Ms Padmaja said.

Rehan Yar Khan and Sunil Kalra, both angel investors, and Mr Santanu Paul, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of TalentSprint, interacted with the early stage investors at the maiden meeting.