The Supreme Court, which on Thursday cancelled 122 2G spectrum licences, lauded the petitioners, saying but for their vigilance and public spirit, people would have never known how the 2G spectrum — which is a scarce natural resource — was grabbed by those who enjoy ‘money power'.

The petitioners included NGOs, Centre for Public Interest Litigation (represented by advocate Mr Prashant Bhushan), Common Cause and Telecom Watchdog, as well as some renowned persons, including former Chief Election Commissioners, Mr J M Lyngdoh, Mr T S Krishnamurthy and Mr N Gopalaswami, former Central Vigilance Commissioner, Mr P Shankar, Admiral (retired) Mr R H Tahiliani, ‘Lok Satta' through its national coordinator, Dr Jayaprakash Narayan, top cop, Mr Julio F Ribeiro and senior journalist, Mr Paranjoy Guha Thakurta.

The apex court noted that, “..but for the vigilance of some enlightened citizens — who held important constitutional and other positions and discharged their duties in larger public interest — and Non-Governmental Organisations who have been constantly fighting for clean governance and accountability of the constitutional institutions, unsuspecting citizens and the Nation would never have known how the scarce natural resource spared by Army has been grabbed by those who enjoy money power and who have been able to manipulate the system.”

It said when such matters are brought before a court by public-spirited citizens, it becomes the court's duty “to exercise its power in larger public interest and ensure that the institutional integrity is not compromised by those in whom the people have reposed trust and who have taken oath to discharge duties in accordance with the Constitution and the law.”
