In a recent announcement, Apple announced a series of new gift cards for the upcoming holiday season. In addition, Apple has also officially started rolling out its extended return policy for holiday shopping. This policy states that the products received between November 4, 2022, and December 25, 2022, through Apple Online Store can be returned through January 8, 2023.

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Apple explains the return policy on its Returns and Refunds site. Apple stated that the purchases with carrier financing are not eligible for this extended policy and still fall into the standard 14-day return rule.

Other policy details

The items that have been purchased directly from Apple online or Apple Retail Store can be returned to Apple. Apple products purchased through other retailers must be returned in accordance with their respective returns and refunds policy.

The items returned to Apple must be repackaged with all the cords, adapters, and documentation that were included when it was received.

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