For Apple, user privacy has always been the top priority and calls it a “fundamental human right.” With every iOS update, Apple introduces or tweaks its privacy policy. One of the best known is the App Tracking Transparency, where a user provides consent for in-app tracking. Even after a tight privacy policy, reports suggest that Apple has been tracking activities since iOS 14.6.

Apple App Store

Apple App Store | Photo Credit: -

As reports suggest, Apple iOS 14.6 tracked every tap a user made even with data usage and personalized ads turned off. Developers say as the user browses the App Store app, detailed usage data is sent to Apple simultaneously. The data contains IDs to map the behavior to a profile.

At present, Apple seeks to expand ads across its platform. Few weeks back, Apple pulled up more ads on App Store.

Apple iOS developers say that its uncertain if Apple is still collecting App Store analytics data in Apple iOS 16.

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