As IT heads into digital era, hiring to grow 6%, says Nasscom chief

Our Bureau Updated - December 07, 2021 at 02:17 AM.

R Chandrashekhar (right), President of Nasscom, with Moorthy KUppaluri, CEO of Randstad, at the HR Summit in Chennai BIJOY GHOSH

The IT iindustry will see a 6 per cent growth in employee hiring this year over its present strength of 3.5 million.

This industry has accomplished a lot over the last couple of decades and is growing significantly, according to R Chandrashekhar, President of Nasscom.

He said the industry is heading towards the digital era, and India is recognised in the field of digital technology in terms of talent availability.

However, he added, in the midst of technology changes, it is important to recognise that it is not technology and gadgets that run an enterprise, but people.

Management of workforce How the workforce is managed in the midst of this sea of technology is significant. People are the real assets and ultimately the human resources make the difference, he said.

Even as digital impacts everything around and represents the environment in which the workforce functions, it is only inevitable that it would also disrupt the way HR is managed.

The day has already arrived, he told in his opening remarks at the two-day Nasscom HR Summit, on the theme ‘Digital Highway – HR’s journey in to the future’.

He added that today, the workforce is of two distinct categories – baby boomers and millennial – representing two generations. There are challenges it is a critical task facing the HR.

How to motivate one without alienating the other? A Nasscom study shows that ten years from now, 75 per cent of the workforce globally would be constituted by the millennial – those who came in to the workforce post 2000, or born post 1980, he said. A major challenge is building the leadership pipeline of people.

The second is about re-engaging employees at the cusp of their career. These employees have been around for over 15 years, and need to get in to a leadership position or face a serious risk of redundancy.

The number of such professionals is significant, he said.

Social media Digital has a huge impact on HR and more particularly on SMAC (social media, analytics and cloud) and stack, with each having a profound impact on HR functions.

Social media is meant to be leveraged for recruitment, building loyalty and branding; analytics for workforce planning, skill set gap mapping and sentiment analysis; mobile in learning and development, hiring and attendance management and cloud for payroll, timesheet and, reward, he said.

Published on July 23, 2015 06:03