Bill Gates admits Control-Alt-Delete was a mistake

DPA Updated - March 12, 2018 at 05:07 PM.

A file photo of Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates

Microsoft co-founder has admitted for the first time that using the key combination of Control-Alt-Delete to log into a PC was a mistake.

Gates commented on the so-called “three finger salute” in a talk at a Harvard University fundraising event, video of which was posted online on Thursday.

The awkward combination has been a feature of the Windows operating system since the earliest days of personal computers. It is a key input that allows users to log in, access the task manager and reboot the computer. Gates said it was not his original choice.

“It was a mistake,” Gates said. “We could have had a single button, but the guy who did the IBM keyboard design didn’t wanna give us our single button.”

Published on September 27, 2013 07:28