Marlabs, a Bangalore-based provider of IT services, is sponsoring a ‘Business Intelligence Technology’ conference at the Thiruvananthapuram Technopark on Friday.

The event will focus on emerging trends in Business Intelligence (BI) Technology, a Marlabs spokesman said.

It will feature eminent speakers from leading information technology companies including Marlabs, Infosys, UST Global, NeST and Kreara.

The conference will discuss latest developments in emerging BI areas such as predictive analytics, Big Data, mobile BI, social BI and advanced visualisations. It will also highlight the growing job opportunities for newly graduated software professionals in the Tier II and Tier III cities.

Mr Anil Raghavan, chief delivery officer, Marlabs, said that “BI is one of the fastest growing areas in the IT industry today. Tier II and Tier III cities offer a large talent pool to keep pace with the growing demand for BI solutions”.