Crypto friendly neo bank Cashaa on Tuesday launched its personal accounts with the yield program, which enable users to store, buy, sell and earn interest without risking assets to unknown Defi projects.

The platform has been globally providing banking services to crypto businesses, along with physical banking services in India through UNICAS. Following banking services, the company has now launched personal wallet to let retail users earn better.

Through the new wallet users can generate the best yield on crypto, stable coin, and fiat deposits in over 22 supported currencies. The users will experience the boon with superior yields and interest paid daily with no risk of losing their funds to Defi projects, Cashaa claimed.

The personal account feature will include two modules : Flex Earning with upto 13 per cent interest rate and no locking and Fixed Deposit Earnings up to 24 per cent interest rate with funds locking period between 1 month to 12 months. Fixed deposits will be available for both business and personal users. Users will also get up to a 4 per cent bonus interest rate on opting for Interest earn mode in CAS tokens.

Kumar Gaurav- Founder & CEO, Cashaa said, “Launching personal accounts with best interest rates is an important milestone for us. We are taking another step forward in terms of finding a balance between regulation and providing benefit to crypto community, and expect Cashaa to also do well as a consumer brand.”

This comes at a time when the cryptocurrency industry continues to grapple with regulatory uncertainty and higher tax rates on income from crypto. Stakeholders are currently in talks with the ministry to rethink tax slabs.