Against the backdrop of allegations that some government officials had stakes in Etisalat DB Telecom, India has requested Swiss government to provide details of Swiss firm Belvoir which allegedly made indirect investments in Swan Telecom under probe in 2G scam.

In its Letters Rogatory (LR) sent to Swiss authorities, the special court hearing the 2G case has requested competent authorities in Switzerland to provide documents relating to incorporation along with Memorandum and Article of Association, details of Directors, shareholders and ultimate beneficiary owners of the company.

The LR has also sought details and relevant documents in respect of the share class pertaining to the investment of four million US Dollars by Mavi Investment Fund Limited Mauritius in Swan Telecom, which later became Etislat DB Telecom, through Delphi Investment.

It sought details of the bank accounts of BTS Belvoir Investment and also of any funds transferred by it to Mavi Investment during the period 2005-10.

It requested the Officer of Registrar of Companies to examine its own officers regarding nominee shareholders of BTS Belvoir since January 2007 till date and also examine Mr Alastair Guggunbehi, one of the Directors of the company besides providing the ‘Know Your Customer’ documents.

The LR also communicated to the Swiss authority that two group companies of BTS Belvoir Group were incorporated in Mumbai and alleged that Mr Guggenbuhi was “personally linked to the investment of four million Dollars by Delphi Investment in Swan Telecom and is also aware of its ultimate beneficiary owners.”

The LR said that during investigations it has come on record that at the time of incorporation, the sole founder share of Delphi Investment Limited, Mauritius was held by Conqueror Limited which transferred it to Mavi Investment on December 11, 2007.

According to the document, Delphi Investment Limited made a payment of four million Dollars to Reliance Telecom Limited towards purchase of 10,791,000 equity shares of Swan Telecom Private Limited.