The Central Bureau of Investigation is carrying out searches at the offices of Bharti Airtel and Vodafone India. The searches are being carried out at Bharti Airtel's headquarters in Gurgaon and at Vodafone's offices in Delhi and Mumbai. According to sources, the CBI is investigating how former telecom ministers in the BJP led NDA government gave additional spectrum to operators between 2001-2003.

The one-man committee appointed by current Telecom Minister, Mr Kapil Sibal, to investigate telecom decisions since 2001 had pointed out a number of irregularities under the NDA government. The committee had held that the decisions taken by the DoT regarding the grant of Unified Access Service Licences (UASL), bundled with spectrum, right from 2003 onwards were neither consistent with the decisions of the Union Cabinet in 2003 nor the recommendations of telecom regulator TRAI.

The Comptroller and Auditor General in its report on the 2G spectrum scam had said that the national exchequer lost Rs 36,000 crore as a result of spectrum given to incumbent players based on subscriber linked criteria.

When contacted Bharti spokesperson confirmed that searches were going on. "Bharti Airtel has always maintained the highest standards of corporate governance and regulatory compliance. We would like to categorically state that all the spectrum allotted to us from time to time has been strictly as per the stated Government policy. We are providing all details and correspondence to the authorities and shall provide complete support as needed in the matter."

A Vodafone spokesperson said, "There was a visit by CBI officials this morning at our offices in Mumbai and Delhi seeking information related to the spectrum allocation to operators during 2001-02. All our documents are in complete compliance with the governing laws and regulations. Vodafone India is completely co-operating with the officials and will provide them all the required details as part of their checks."