With the debate on net neutrality intensifying, Competition Commission of India (CCI) will look at analysis of multisided high-technology markets involving network industry and more complex markets requiring greater understanding of economic theories, anti-trust analysis and theories of harm, S.L. Bunker, Member, CCI, said.

So far, the watchdog has focussed on basic industries and commodities. Bunker was speaking on ‘Competition Law: Successes, challenges & reforms,’ at a conference organised by Assocham here on Saturday.

As far as combination and mergers & acquisitions are concerned, “the Commission has been very proactive and we have already approved around 250 cases in a remarkable self-imposed time schedule of less than 30 days,” he added.

He said that the watchdog has also ensured that the combination regulations are revised from time-to-time so as to reflect international best practices and the difficulties if any faced by the stakeholders.

“Commission treats cartel as the most pernicious violation of Competition Law and to ensure competitive neutrality and level playing field among market participants,” added Bunker.

On enforcement of the Competition Law, he said, “We are nearing the sixth year of enforcement and so far the Commission has received around 600 details including individual information, references, suo moto cases initiated by the Commission and out of this around 75 per cent have been already decided, some of them are under investigation and few are under consideration.”