Ticking the Government off for being “very casual” in handling the 2G case, the Supreme Court today said withholding of even 0.1 per cent of spectrum, licences for which were cancelled, will not be acceptable.

A Bench of Justices G. S. Singhvi and K. S. Radhakrishanan also directed the Centre to file a fresh affidavit within two days explaining why all the 2G spectrum was not put on auction on November 12.

“Government is very casual in dealing with the matter,” the Bench said while turning down an affidavit filed by an Under Secretary-level officer on the matter and directed that it must be filed by the Secretary, Department of Telecom.

“This affidavit cannot be accepted. It has been filed by an Under Secretary officer. Our earlier order clearly said that affidavit must be filed by a Secretary-level officer. This is a deliberate action on the part of DoT,” the Bench said.

“On earlier occasion the court had unequivocally rejected an affidavit filed by an Under Secretary. It is unfortunate that the same mistake has been done again. Needful should be done within two days,” it said.

The court said that it would hear the Centre’s stand on the auction on Monday but made it clear that withholding of spectrum from being auctioned would not be acceptable.

“Keep in mind that withholding of spectrum, even 0.1 per cent, would not be acceptable,” the Bench said, adding that it was never told earlier that the entire 2G spectrum would not be put on auction. “At no point of time was this court informed that the auction was only for 800 MHz and 1800 MHz bands,” the Bench observed.