The average broadband speed in India is set to grow by more than three-fold by 2017 to reach 7 Megabytes per second (Mbps) from 1.2 Mbps in 2012.

As the Internet users are expected to reach 348 million by 2017 from 138 million in 2012, the number of Internet video users is also expected to grow faster, a Cisco Visual Networking Index (VNI) forecast report has said.

Internet video users

There will be 113 million Internet video users (excluding mobile only) in 2017, up from 16 million last year, it said.

India is also set to see an increase in wireless connectivity with 40 per cent traffic coming from WiFi users to the total IP traffic by 2017, up from 38 per cent in 2012.

“Internet traffic growth in India is the fastest globally. While there is great willingness from the Government and industry to drive broadband penetration and ensure Internet access, there is a lot more that needs to be done,” Robert Pepper, Vice-President – Global Technology Policy, Cisco, said.

IP traffic

More than half of the IP traffic will originate with non-PC devices including tablets, smartphones and televisions by 2017.

According to the report, smartphones and tablets will contribute 40 per cent to IP traffic in 2017, up from 3 per cent in 2012.

Televisions will contribute 10 per cent, while machine-to-machine (M2M) modules will contribute 3 per cent of the entire IP traffic in 2017.

'Internet of Things'

The forecast also reveals that the ‘Internet of Things’ (the networked connection of physical objects) is showing tangible growth and will have a measurable impact on global IP networks.

Applications such as video surveillance, smart meters, asset tracking, chipped livestock, digital health monitors and other M2M services are driving this growth.