Though YouTube is predominantly used by music and movie companies in India and abroad, companies could also profit by using the channel, a senior Google executive said.

“If you look at Khan Academy, set up by former investment banker Salman Khan, you can see the potential. I'm sure that some brilliant teacher will start it in India,” Mr Nikhil Rungta, Country Marketing Head, Google India, said.

The Khan Academy, which was started by the Bangladeshi American educator Mr Salman Khan, has been praised by Mr Bill Gates and Mr Mukesh Ambani for its quality of content.

Speaking after announcing one of the winners of the Global YouTube Space Lab Science Competition –which encouraged 14-18 year old students to come up with ideas that could be implemented in space – Mr Rungta said that apart from education, YouTube was also being used by companies to connect with their customers.

“If you look at products like smart phones, you have a lot of features today. You can use YouTube to give a demo,” he pointed out and added that many companies are doing this today.

Apart from this, Mr Rungta said that companies could also use YouTube to get a direct link with customers, especially in times of a crisis.

“A few years ago, when Pepsi was accused of having a high pesticide content, PepsiCo India's Chairman, Mr Rajeev Bakshi, had to appear on TV to clarify the company's stand. Now, they can use YouTube,” he said.
