The “Ethical Employees’’, who claimed that Infosys CEO Salil Parekh indulged in unethical practices to boost short-term revenues and profits, said in a mail to the US-based Office of the Whistleblower Protection Program that they have enclosed mails and voice recordings, but have not sent it to the company.

“We have not sent [the evidence] to the company, as our identity would be revealed. We are providing additional information to you under the Whistleblower Protection Program,” said the mail.

A total of 16 enclosures have been mailed to the Office of the Whistleblower Protection Program.


These include email copies on visa costs, details on auditors who have noted their objections, voice recordings and another set of emails to show how the CEO and CFO wanted “misleading” figures about revenue and profits to be pushed, bypassing auditors and threatening to change them.

Podcast | Infosys whistleblower: What next for Salil Parekh?

Another set of emails pertain to a deal with an upfront payment and reveal the alleged pressure exerted to not take the charge as it would impact the profits and the stock price. The voice recordings reportedly show the CEO and the CFO instructing not to present important info to the board or share it with the auditors.

Other enclosures are emails on “irregularities” in revenue recognition in Verizon, ABN, Intel and Japanese joint venture deals and voice recordings of the CFO.