Technology performance company Compuware Corporation has launched its website performance benchmarks service in India. The company’s Gomez Benchmarks provides a comprehensive set of global independent web and mobile performance metrics.

“The low hanging fruits in the Indian market are the banking and brokerages space,” Mr Neeraj Dotel, managing director, Compuware India told a press conference today. The other industries are eCommerce, exchanges, insurance, media, portals, telecom and travel. Compuware will launch 12 more benchmarks in the coming months.

The market in India for benchmarking last year was $15 million, and this is expected to grow to $30 million by next year and $50 million in the next three years, according to Mr Dotel. The global market was $2 billion last year, he said.

Benchmarking is comparing and tracking web or mobile site performance against competitors in the industry and Internet leaders. The comparative measurement approach helps companies compete more effectively and make better decisions about investments in optimization projects.

Compuware, three years ago, acquired Gomez which publishes hundreds of global web and mobile performance benchmarks based on millions of measurements per month.

Compuware also launched new “Last Mile” benchmarks that measure website performance based on the end users’ experience at the desktop.