Darknet trading platforms meant for contraband goods including narcotics and stolen credit cards now have listings from vendors selling face masks and other essentials to combat the coronavirus pandemic at much higher prices according to a latest report by blockchain analysis firm Elliptic .

The darknet has indexed websites of sellers from the United States (US) to Europe and Russia as demand for protective equipment has surged tremendously during the pandemic, Reuters reported.

“Vendors on these sites can post listings for everything from narcotics to stolen credit cards and hacking tools, with payment accepted exclusively in crypto-assets. Over the past few weeks they have begun to exploit the opportunities presented by the coronavirus pandemic,” reads Elliptic’s analysis of how vendors on the darknet are exploiting the Covid-19 pandemic.

The firm observed hundreds of listings for face masks, anti-malarial drugs, home testing strips and other essentials such as toilet paper being on the dark web.

Vendors are listing N95 respirator masks which are generally priced at less than $1 each in bulk for $1.75 per mask - “a surprisingly low mark-up on retail prices,” the firm notes. These are in extremely short supply for frontline workers including medical professionals. Hence, the sale of these masks for non-medical use has been restricted, the report said.

“Many of the mask vendors are established, well-reviewed sellers. Many have previously sold narcotics and other illicit goods and services, and have now turned to masks as an additional revenue stream,” the report said.

“Beyond the usual dark marketplaces, a new online shop has launched - dedicated to the sale of masks. The operator of this site claims to be a European wholesaler for hospitals but believes that “Everybody needs a chance to get a Mask for protection - Not only medical employees!” it added.

The darknet also has listings and offers for “Covid-19 test strips”, starting at $92 each as damnd for home-testing kits surge.

Banking on researches claiming that antimalarial drugs such as chloroquine could be effective in treating Covid-19, public interest in the drug has increased, especially after “repeated comments from US President Donald Trump about the drug’s potential.” Listings for chloroquine has increased in darknet markets. The firm cited the example of one listing based on the claims made by the US President which offered a pack of 150 pills for $500.

According to media reports, the consumption of cannabis has spiked in the United States (US) after the US government imposed lockdowns and restrictions in movement amid coronavirus pandemic.

Many darknet narcotics purchasers are banking on this trend, offering “Coronavirus discounts” or “Covid-19 end of the world special offers”. The listings cited by the report was for a “Corona Lock Down Survival Pack” where the contents included Cannabis and toilet paper.

Widespread fear of the global pandemic has lead to panic buying of essentials and supplies. Previously, instances of essential such as masks and hand sanitizers being stolen from doctor’s offices have also been reported.

For instance, Dr Brett Oliver, a family medicine doctor in Kentucky, noticed that hand sanitizers in his office kept mysteriously disappearing from the exam rooms where he sees his patients, CNBC reported.

Over 1.2 million people across the globe have tested positve for Covid-19 with over 60,000 deaths according to reports.