Countries failing to form “enlightened” immigration policies to miss out on the tech boom, says Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella

Hemai Sheth Updated - January 22, 2020 at 11:11 AM.

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella (file photo)

Countries that reject enlightened immigration policies are bound to miss out on the global tech boom, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said on Tuesday in an interview with Bloomberg.


Nadella expressed his views on foreign policies and their effect on the tech boom in an interview with Bloomberg during the World Economic Forum’s ‘The Year Ahead’ event in Davos.


Bloomberg’s official twitter account (@business) had also shared a clipping of the interview where Nadella is seen talking about immigration policies and its effect on the technology industry with the caption, “Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella tells us countries that reject "enlightened immigration" policies will be the biggest losers when it comes to the global tech boom #wef20.”


Nadella talked about US immigration policies and the potential of immigrants in contributing to a country’s growth.


“To me even when I look at the contribution the immigrants even going forward can make is something that I think the United States should absolutely be tapping into,” he said.


Talking about the recent developments in immigration policies of nations, Nadella said in the Bloomberg interview, “Every country is rethinking what is in their national interest, borders are real, countries are thinking about immigration policies that help. But even in there they have to maintain that modicum of enlightenment and not think about it very narrowly.”


Nadella had earlier expressed his concern about India’s Citizenship Amendment Act, calling it “sad”. The act that allows six persecuted minorities, except Muslims, to fast-track Indian citizenship has been dubbed ‘discriminatory’ by many leading to anti-CAA protests across the nation with the Supreme Court of India reviewing more than 140 petitions filed against the Act.


Nadella’s remarks had sparked furious debates across social media leading to an official statement being released by Microsoft on his behalf. Nadella had also expressed his hopes for a better state of immigration policies and more opportunities in India for immigrants in the statement.


“My hope is for an India where an immigrant can aspire to found a prosperous start-up or lead a multinational corporation benefiting Indian society and its economy at large,” Nadella had said. 



Published on January 22, 2020 05:41