The Visakhapatnam chapter of the Computer Society of India (CSI) in association with the Visakhapatnam steel plant is holding a major national conference here from Feb 24 and Feb 25 on the theme - digital India in global IT spectrum.

D.N Rao, Director (Operations), Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, and also the Chairman of the local chapter of the CSI, said here on Wednesday that as the country was marching towards a digital age it was felt necessary to hold the conference, bringing together the professionals in the IT field, the academics, students and bureaucrats on a single platform to discuss the issues - digital transformation, internet of everything, big data analytics, cyber security, green IT, digital convergence, Fintech, and smart factory. He said the theme of the conference would be "Innovate, integrate and transform."

P.S Avadhani, Principal, Andhra College of Engineering, said it was heartening that all sections of the public were willing and eager to learn about cashless (or digital) transactions in the aftermath of demonetisation "but there are also many apprehensions about the security of the digital bank transactions. cyber security is therefore a critical issue and it will be discussed in the conference."

A student convention will also be organised as a part of the seminar. The CSI has 72 chapters, 500 student branches, a more than a lakh members including many luminaries in the IT field.