Dell Technologies has launched the PowerScale Storage to help its customers demystify the rising volumes of unstructured data.

Amit Luthra, Director and General Manager, Data Centre Solution, Dell Technologies India, observed that “the present challenge is in organising and managing data and not in managing storage”.

Luthra obviously was referring to the growing volumes of data being generated worldwide.

Industry reports show that worldwide data would surge to 175 zettabytes by 2025 and 80 per cent of this would be unstructured.

“While unstructured data is nothing new, such data traditionally used to lie within the four walls of an organisation in the data centre. This has changed over the years, with the new wave of unstructured data coming from sources outside the organisation such as videos, pictures, social media, real-time streaming from IoT smart devices, PDF, documents, files and so on. New channels of networking, coupled with the emergence of user-generated data, have boosted data growth even further,” Luthra explained.

Studies show that the demand for external storage is growing at 6 per cent year-on-year.

“But the challenge is in unlocking the potential of unstructured data; it is crucial for businesses to equip themselves to take control of their data,” the Dell Technologies Director said, unveiling Dell EMC PowerScale, a new family of storage systems engineered with storage software and server hardware for setting new industry standards.

Asserting that businesses need a simple, seamless and cost-effective way to store and use such unstructured data efficiently, he said, “The PowerScale platform will help customers handle the present day’s data challenge with ease and without losing sight of the future. It is scalable; PowerScale architecture offers intelligent insights, is resilient and efficient.”

Dell EMC DataIQ software

When asked how a storage system would put data to work, he said, “The introduction of Dell EMC DataIQ software would help companies extract business value from unstructured data, typically those lying in silos, by delivering a single view of file and object data across Dell EMC, third-party and public cloud storage. Users can gain better control over their data, ensure the right teams have access to it, and make the most of their investment by ensuring data is stored on the right tier within their storage environment.”