If you are an eBay customer or vendor, you’d better change the password for the e-commerce firm account. Cyber attackers have compromised log-in credentials of a few employees, getting access to eBay's corporate network.

It said its database, comprising encrypted passwords and other non-financial data, has been compromised globally due to the cyber attack. The users in India not immune either. The best way to safeguard the interests is to change passwords.

Shortly, you will get mails from eBay asking you to change password. If you are using the same passwords for other services, you would better change those passwords too.

The database, which was compromised between late February and early March, included eBay customers’ name, encrypted password, email address, physical address, phone number and date of birth.

“After conducting extensive tests on its networks, the company said it has no evidence of the compromise resulting in unauthorised activity for eBay users, and no evidence of any unauthorized access to financial or credit card information, which is stored separately in encrypted formats,” the company has said in a release on Wednesday.

It claimed that it has no evidence of unauthorised access or compromises to personal or financial information for PayPal users. PayPal data is stored separately on a secure network, and all PayPal financial information is encrypted.