After the password heist by hackers, eBay has reached out to its users across the world, asking them to change their passwords on the e-commerce site if they have not done already.

eBay’s President of Marketplaces, Devin Wenig, wrote a common mailer to all the users on Monday night, telling them why they should change their passwords. “Recently, our company discovered a cyber attack on our corporate information network. This attack compromised a database containing eBay user passwords,” Devin said.

The attack, occurred two months ago, resulted in unauthorised access to a database of eBay users that includes customers' name, encrypted password, email address, physical address, phone number and date of birth.

If you changed your password on May 21 or later, we do not need you to take any additional action at this time.

Devin, however, assured that there is no evidence yet that your financial information was accessed or compromised. And your password was encrypted.

“Changing your password may be inconvenient. I realise that. We are doing everything we can to protect your data and changing your password is an extra precautionary step, in addition to the other security measures we have in place,” the eBay President said.

However, if you have only visited eBay as a guest user, we do not have a password on file.

Passwords on other sites

If you are using the eBay password on any other site, the e-com site wants you to change your password on those sites too.