Efficiency and cost factors are important for the growth of cloud computing, according to Mr Rakesh Hegde, Chief Executive Officer of Rezopia, California, US.

Delivering the keynote address at the inauguration of a national conference on ‘Recent trends in cloud computing' – jointly organised by the SDM College of Business Management, Mangalore, and the student chapter of Computer Society of India – here on Wednesday, he said that cloud computing will help boost the output of small business units, as they don't have to invest in various hardware and software infrastructure. Such business units can focus on their core competencies.

Cloud computing allows companies and organisations to reduce cost of information management, as they are not required to own their own servers and can use the capacity leased from third parties. The cloud infrastructure allows them to upgrade and maintain software and resources more quickly.

Mr Hegde said that quality of service is also important in cloud computing. Otherwise the customers can walk away if they don't like the service by the service provider.

Recent studies by the Gartner indicate that nearly 50 per cent of the CIOs (chief information officers) are expected to move their infrastructure to cloud platform in the coming years. Cloud computing is expected to generate a revenue of around $ 148 billion by 2014, Mr Hegde said.

Giving examples of some recent developments in the sector, he said cloud computing is going to become a way of life. It is now time to latch on to the bandwagon of cloud computing, he said.

Mr Hegde said Rezopia is a cloud-based travel management platform for travel providers. It provides end-to-end travel reservation, back-office, packaging and distribution system. This helps the travel providers to scale up revenues, reduce costs and better serve customers via the web, social networks and mobile devices, he said. Rezopia's corporate headquarters is based at Redwood City in California, he added.
