EMC Corporation has extended its global corporate research programme, the EMC Innovation Network, to India. As part of the programme, EMC's India Centre of Excellence would fund the research efforts here through university collaboration to discover and explore technologies shaping the information infrastructure of the future, explains an EMC source.

This extension of the programme places India as the fifth node of EMC's worldwide innovation network. The innovation network has existing initiatives in the US, China, Ireland, Russia, Israel, Egypt and Brazil.

EMC has collaborated with Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (IISc) and Amrita University in Coimbatore. These two institutions have been identified based on their commitment to research, quality of technical talent at faculty and student levels and their expertise in information infrastructure technologies.

With IISc, EMC would work on analysing unstructured data concerned with the discovery of patterns and trends in large data sets; and with Amrita University on information security.

Mr Niranjan Thirumale, Chief Technology Officer, EMC India CoE said that the Corporation proposed to extend its research collaboration in India considerably, and establish strong engagements with Indian technical institutes that offer subject matter expertise and deep technical know-how on information infrastructure technologies.

“Universities offer unparalleled environment for breakthroughs in research. They play a key role for technology companies committed to innovation. Our research efforts will help drive innovations to the market more quickly and help EMC remain strategically vibrant,” said Mr Thirumale.

Mr Indrajit Bhattacharya, Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Automation Department at IISc said such collaborative efforts on the research front would help students understand the practical relevance of the techniques they learn in class, apart from making them aware of the challenging real world problems.