EMC Corporation has opened its second R&D centre in India at Pune. The company already has a Centre of Excellence (CoE) in Bengaluru.

The second CoE in India has 1,37,000 square feet of usable office space, including a latest Executive Briefing Centre, and will enable EMC to further advance its mission to help customers transform their business by creating their digital future and modernise, automate and transform IT through cloud computing, it said in a statement.

"India continues to be a key source for technology innovation, outstanding engineering talent and significant business potential,” Howard Elias, President and COO, Global Enterprise Services at EMC Corporation, said.

“India is important to our strategic global growth plans. The EMC CoE in Pune will play an important role in helping EMC deliver comprehensive, next-generation technology solutions for our customers,” he added.

EMC’s first CoE in Bengaluru was opened in 2003 to advance the company’s globalisation goals, accelerate R&D efforts and expand services by leveraging India’s vast pool of highly skilled engineering talent.

As EMC’s largest R&D centre outside of North America, the EMC CoE in Bengaluru hosts product, services and support groups across EMC’s offerings. The Pune centre will supplement the EMC CoE in Bengaluru with added capabilities to undertake additional R&D and Services work for cloud and storage technologies.