In his first message as the President and Chief Executive Officer of Nokia, Rajeev Suri on Tuesday said that exciting times are coming for the company because of new opportunities ahead.

“I have been in Nokia for almost 20 years and the opportunity in front of us is as great as I have ever seen. The coming changes in technology will be as profound as the creation of the Internet,” The India-born Chief said.

He said as the world is rapidly approaching where everybody and every thing will be connected, Nokia sees its role in that world in providing intelligent connections.

“Starting with networks, but going well beyond that, connecting real and virtual through maps and location intelligence, connecting information to analysis and action and much more,” he said.

Addressing the employees, he said they will remain the company’s foundation with their unparalleled expertise, passion and commitment, energy and drive all essential for its continued success.

“To our investors – we know that we have a great responsibility to deliver for you. You have trusted us with your hard earned money and we will have a sharp focus on creating value for you in return,” he said. To its partners and suppliers, he said the company looks forward to building the future together with a right spirit and commitment from both sides. “We know we won’t be successful on our own and you can count on our support, just as I expect that we can count on yours,” he said.