E-commerce firm FashionandYou.com is looking to hire 400 people this year across various sections in the company.

“We are strengthening our logistic centres to enhance efficiency in services and customer experience. The hiring is part of our ongoing effort. During this year we are looking to hire 400 people, ” FashionandYou.com CEO Ms Pearl Uppal told PTI.

She said that the company is looking at hiring people with a variety of skill sets such as technology, product, analytics, sourcing, general management talent, merchandising and marketing.

“We have started hiring process whcih entails various rounds of interviews comprising 2 to 3 stages and are often covered within the day,” she said.

Ms Uppal said that FashionandYou.com will fund education of employees who are keen to go for higher education.

“We are even looking to acquire talents from overseas to enhance quality and innovation in our process,” Ms Uppal said.

The company claims to have more than 3.6 million registered memberes on its portal who are potential customers of the company.

“There is no fee for customer to register on our portal but the membership is only through invite. A new member can only register with FashionandYou.com if he or she has been invited by existing member of the company,” Ms Uppal said.