Flipkart’s deliveries were hit in parts of Mumbai after some of its staff struck work demanding better working conditions. The striking workers have given the company a list of demands, including seeking access to proper washrooms and getting a weekly off on Sundays.

Though Flipkart is known for generous employee benefits, including stock options and six months’ maternity leave, some delivery boys at its logistics arm eKart have been on strike for the last four days and plan to continue till the time their demands are met.

These delivery boys are on the payroll of eKart and earn ₹10,000-20,000 a month.

An eKart spokesperson asserted that its operations in Mumbai were running normally.

“We have 19 delivery hubs in Mumbai and our team of field executives are ensuring that all the shipments are reaching customers in the quickest possible way. A few workers (less than 2 per cent) have been misguided by motivated interests. This has, however, not affected any deliveries,” he said.

“Our delivery team has one of the best salary and benefits structure in the industry and we provide the best facilities to our staff. All our delivery hubs have all standard amenities, including toilets.”