Kate Morphett has been running a home-based cooking class in Gurgaon for many years now. Originally from Bangkok, Morphet has recently been able to take her love for authentic Thai food beyond her kitchen.

Thanks to a virtual marketplace for home cooked meals called BiteClub.in, Morphett has been able to parcel out Thai dishes such as White Noodles with Papaya Salad and Spicy & Sour Chicken Salad to nearly 500 households in her neighbourhood.

A similar story is unfolding in other parts of the country where companies such as BiteClub, Cyber Chef and iTiffin are creating a food playlist not just for the diners but also entrepreneurs and diet-conscious individuals. BiteClub, for example, has a community of over 100 home chefs, recipe bloggers, former restaurateurs and professional chefs on its online platform. Users can see the chefs’ profiles and place orders. The company delivers the freshly cooked food through a revenue-sharing agreement.

“We let our own team of over 70 people primarily work on the technology, marketing and logistics, while leaving the chefs to focus on preparing exquisite meals,” said Prateek Agarwal, Founder, BiteClub.in. While the price ranges from ₹100-300 for a meal, some of the players are also delivering customised cuisines. Cyber Chef, for example, has about 45-50 chefs on its platform, who dish out different cuisines every day.

Others like Wowtable are going a step further and creating specific menu at high-end restaurants. The culinary restaurants reservations portal makes fine dining affordable.

“Once a customer logs, they can see a range of curated menu available at the restaurants we have tied up with… From a customer point of view, he can get a wider assortment compared to an a la carte at a lower price,” said Deepa and Kunal Jain, Founders, Wowtable. It has tied up with 200 fine dine restaurants.

For the health conscious iTiffin, which has investment from cricketer Robin Uthappa, is also scaling up its presence not just for delivering custom-made lunchboxes but also targeting people with certain nutritional requirements.

“We develop a range of meals from 500 Kcal to 2500 Kcal,” Tapan Das, CEO, iTiffin, said.