ForIT, the forum of IT professionals, has asked TCS to stop mass retrenchment of its employees. The forum has demanded that the State and Central Governments must intervene in the issue to save the jobs of several thousand employees.

The forum has asked the IT major to keep them in the job till such a point when a comprehensive grievance redressal mechanism is put in place.

“It is due to the hard work and commitment of the employees of TCS that it has acquired a brand value. It is unethical, irrational and illegal to ask the same employees that made it the number one IT services firm in the country,” Vijay Chandra of ForIT has said.

TCS officially stated on Twitter that for the first nine months of this year, the involuntary attrition is 2,574. “They have also stated that for the financial year, the involuntary attrition is going to be 1 per cent, which means that around 600 more employees will be asked to leave the organisation in the next few months,” he said in a statement.

Admitting the fact that lay-offs were a regular phenomenon in the IT-ITeS industry, the association felt that others firms might follow the suit and more people would lose jobs.