, a job site for freshers, has announced the launch of ‘JobForAll’, a hiring solution for entry level positions in sales, marketing, customer support, business development, retail, content writing as well as all junior level job roles. 

“Hiring for entry level positions continues to be among the toughest tasks for any recruitment team, using up resources and hindering efficiencies. Getting quality candidates to actually turn up for the interview is becoming increasingly challenging” said Joby Joseph, CEO of 

Unlike traditional job portals which only offer a bulk database from which a HR person has to manually sift through hundreds and thousands of resumes to identify the most relevant profiles, ‘JobForAll’ provides a multi-touch point hiring solution that claims to eliminate unnecessary and unproductive efforts by the HR team and helps identify relevant profiles using an automated, twin mapping mechanism. has a database of 5 million resumes, 1 lakh resumes added every month, 2.5 lakh unique visitors every day with 40 million page views a month, according to company officials.