Google has rolled out a draggable seek bar in the music apps for Android Auto. The latest feature to the Android Auto comes along with the ‘Coolwalk’ redesign, as announced in the CES 2023.

Since the time Android Auto app was launched, it never had a music seek bar until now. With the recent app update, Android Auto app has a draggle seek bar for its music app that helps the listeners to go back and forth on a particular music or podcast as they wish. The seek bar eliminates the hassle to restart or skip a track.

The draggable seek music bar for Android Auto has not rolled out widely yet, but few maybe lucky. The seek bar appears in music apps, including Spotify.

Mishaal Rahman, a tech industry analyst, took to Twitter to tease it to the audience. Rahman says, ”Android Auto is starting to roll out a seekable progress bar for music and podcasts. Google announced last week at CES that this feature would be coming after they rolled out the new “coolwalk” split screen layout to everyone.”