An Indian child drawing geometrical figures and linear equations on the ground using a stick. Other children watch on. At the bottom of the picture is the numeric value of Pi to the 21st decimal point. The logo of GOOGLE is made out of geometric figures such as triangles, circles, semi-circles and squares.

Search engine major Google has marked the 125th birth anniversary of Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan with a doodle.

The mathematics genius was born on December 22, 1887, in Erode, Tamil Nadu and his birthday is celebrated as National Mathematics Day in the country.

Ramanujan was a mathematics prodigy. He was formally introduced to the subject at the age of 10 and within two years (age 12) he was said to have finished books on advanced trigonometry. He went on to discover his own theorems.

Despite this genius, his failure in other subjects resulted in the loss of a scholarship. This led him to take up a job. But he continued to conduct independent mathematical research and sent samples of his work to the University of Cambridge.

English mathematician G.H. Hardy saw his capabilities and invited Ramanujan to work alongside him at Cambridge. Later, Ramanujan went on to become a Fellow of the Royal Society and Fellow of Trinity College.

He is credited with independently coming up with approximately 3,900 results in mathematics. Most of his theorems, which were deemed unconventional during his time, proved to be right in later years.

His works — Ramanujan Theta Function and Ramanujan Prime — are said to have helped further research in the field. Ramanujan passed away at the age of 32 on April 26, 1920.