Google has released new energy-saver and memory-saver modes to improve battery life and memory usage on laptops running the latest Chrome version on desktop. The features first introduced in December 2022, alongside the release of Chrome 108, are now available on Chrome 110 desktops for Mac, Windows, and Chromebooks. 

The performance tab on Chrome settings contains the memory saver feature that snoozes tabs that aren’t currently in use to free up RAM and enable a smooth browsing experience. According to The Verge report, Chrome will exempt the most used websites from the memory saver feature. 

The energy-saver mode will limit the background website activity, including visual effects, such as animations or videos. Both features are enabled by default on devices running Chrome 110 and can be disabled at any time via Chrome settings.

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How to enable or disable energy saver and memory saver features on Chrome
  1. Open Google Chrome.
  2. Go to Chrome Settings.
  3. Open the ‘preference tab’ on the left side.
  4. Click on the energy saver and memory saver options and use the toggle to enable and disable features.

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