Google added a Track Prices feature to Chrome through which users can compare a product’s price across online stores.

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The feature was first enabled for the mobile version of the app, and is now officially on the desktop version. Google said in a blog post, ”Track the price of a product across several online stores at once. You’ll get an email if the price drops on any site so you can buy when the price is right for you.” The feature is available when a user is signed in.

Here’s how you can go about the Track Prices feature on Google Chrome:

Track Prices feature

Track Prices feature | Photo Credit: -

  • Go to an online store and find a product you want to track.
  • Click ‘Track price’ in the address bar.
  • Click ‘Track price’ to start tracking the item. Price drop emails will go to the Google Account you’re signed into.
  • To stop tracking a product, click Tracking price in the address bar, then ‘Untrack.’
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